Kostanay Minerals JSC will act as a bronze sponsor at the first International Congress “ECOJER” – ” Form a sustainable future!”.

On the eve of World Environment Day, environmental activists and experts, heads of government agencies, the business community and international organizations will gather at one venue in the heart of the country.

This is a unique opportunity to discuss current issues and solutions to pressing environmental problems.

In the program:

* New architecture of environmental legislation;

* Debate: Incinerate cannot be recycled;

* Women in ecology and sustainable initiatives;

* Transformation of Kazakhstan’s energy sector towards sustainability;

* Greening the industry.

June 3, 2021. the city of Nursultan.

To participate – register on the website www.ecocongress.kz.

End the confusion

It is important to emphasize from the beginning that there are many types of asbestos fibers. Those that pose the greatest risk to human health belong to the amphibole family, which includes amosite (brown asbestos), anthophyllite, crocidolite (blue asbestos), tremolite, and actinilite. These forms of asbestos have shorter fibers and stiff needles, while chrysotile fibers are silky. Amphibole asbestos is the greatest danger to human health. Having acid resistance, amphibole asbestos is practically not removed from the lungs and, as a result, has a harmful effect on the body. Currently, the extraction and use of amphibole asbestos is banned worldwide.

It is this type of asbestos that was widely used in the West, along with technologies for spraying asbestos on metal structures of buildings for insulation purposes, so it is no coincidence that the anti-asbestos movement originated in these countries. In the CIS countries, on the contrary, this type of asbestos and technology were not used.

Chrysotile-asbestos, on the contrary, quickly decomposes under the influence of even weak acids of tissue fluids and thus is quickly excreted from the body. According to the latest research conducted by three leading toxicological laboratories in Switzerland, Germany and the United States, chrysotile is the safest fiber among similar minerals and artificial substitutes (cellulose, aramid fiber and ceramic fiber), since it is eliminated from the body faster than all fibers. For example, the half-life of chrysotile fibers is 15 days, amphibole-466 days, cellulose-1000 days.

Chrysotile does not carry any tangible risk to human health at exposure levels below 1 fiber / cm, cub, as defined by the ILO. The data are taken from numerous epidemiological studies, some of which cover a period of more than 20 years. This is the safest type of asbestos, despite the confusion that some stakeholders are trying to create by treating all varieties of asbestos as a single concept.

Thus, at present, the only type of asbestos used on the world market is chrysotile. This mineral is well studied, such influential organizations as the WHO and the ILO have made their conclusions on it. Taking into account the lessons of the past, manufacturers apply a policy of controlled responsible use of chrysotile, aimed at reducing the risk of negative health effects on people, especially workers employed in production.

“System of control and accounting of vehicle access to the industrial zone”

In JSC Kostanay Minerals, another large digital project, “System for monitoring and recording vehicle access to the industrial zone”, known more as “Sergek”, has been implemented.

The main goal of the project is to improve the efficiency of property security of KM JSC.
The system has been in operation for a month.
The entire territory of the industrial zone of the Enterprise is now equipped with intelligent video surveillance cameras. There are 11 control points installed along the perimeter, allowing for more thorough control and accounting of vehicles entering and moving into the “KM”.
The central checkpoint is automated by a barrier. The passage of vehicles is now carried out here as follows: the license plate is scanned by means of the camera, and if it is entered into the database, the barrier will automatically open. That is, the system now excludes access to the entry of external / third-party vehicles. In such cases, a one-time pass is required, it is issued with a special permission received by the production analytical department and endorsed by one of the Board members.
Each entry and exit of vehicles is stored in a database. The implementation of this project, the management is confident, will also improve the discipline of internal transport “KM”. The developer of the automated system is the capital company LLP “Korkem Technologies”, which helped the “Kaem” specialists in the implementation of the project.
This is one of many steps in the transition of the Enterprise to a new digital level. It should be noted that in this direction “Kostanay Minerals” have achieved great results over the past ten years – from the transition to a single-stage crushing scheme to the introduction of IP-telephony.
And these are far from the last events … Already today the KM is working on the idea of ​​installing electronic checkpoints in the industrial zone. It is planned that digital modern turnstiles will automatically keep track of the working hours of employees, but also conduct their electronic thermometry and contactless medical examination (breathalyzer). They do not want to put this idea on the back burner, so its implementation is planned for the next six months.

Solemn rewarding of the laureates of the “Zhomart Zhurek”

On August 11, in the large hall of the regional akimat, a solemn rewarding of the laureates of the “Zhomart Zhurek” award and the holder of the status of the “Zhomart Zhan” badge took place. The event took place within the framework of the “Rukhani Zhagyru” program in the Zhitikara region.

It’s no secret that the city-forming enterprises, entrepreneurs and caring residents of our district are constantly implementing social and charitable projects aimed at improving the improvement of the city, district, social assistance to the population.
In total, since 2017, 14 people have become the winners of the Zhomart Zhurek award. 4 laureates were awarded the status of the “Zhomart Jean” badge. These are not only local large enterprises, but also individual entrepreneurs of the region and not indifferent residents of Zhitikarinsky.

This year, according to the akim of the district A. Ibraev, the selection of candidates took into account the contribution to the prevention and fight against coronavirus infection.

For the implementation of large social projects in the Zhitikarinsky district, the International Company “Kusto Group” was awarded the category “Zhyl Patrons”. The award from the hands of the head of the district was received by the representative of the company, a veteran of Kostanay Minerals JSC Sergey Afanasevich Aleinikov.

Labor Day

Dear employees of Kostanay Minerals JSC!
Today is your holiday – Labor Day! Everyone who works for our Company contributes to its successful operation. People have always been behind all the victories of the joint-stock company! And today is the day when I want to thank the whole team for the well-coordinated work, dedication to traditions and, of course, professionalism!
May every day bring satisfaction, may there be a friendly atmosphere in the teams, may there be prosperity and comfort in families!
Happy holiday to all Kazakhstanis!
The states are supported by the hard work of people! And these are not big words.
Any work performed by a person is a contribution to the development of our Republic.

Labor enthusiasm for everyone, optimism and success!

© ️Board of JSC “Kostanay Minerals”.

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