About our company

Kostanay Minerals JSC is a mining company specializing in the extraction of chrysotile asbestos and the production of chrysotile fiber. The company is the world’s leading manufacturer and exporter of chrysotile asbestos, one of the most important elements used in the global industry.

We are in numbers


Products chrysotile asbestos of 3-6 groups


Founded 1965

250 000

Productivity design capacity over 250 thousand tons

2 000

Personnel over 2,000

6 200 002

Explored reserves
6, 200 million tons of ore.


Stock scale
– 4th place in the world

17 000 000

Produced 17 million tons
chrysotile ore

Last News

Demand for Kazakhstan chrysotile increased significantly in the first quarter

In the first quarter, the volume of chrysotile shipments increased by a third and amounted to 67.4 thousand tons.

Kostanay Minerals JSC will act as a bronze sponsor at the first International Congress "ECOJER" - " Form a sustainable future!".

On the eve of World Environment Day, environmental activists and experts, heads of government agencies, the business community and international organizations will gather at one venue in the heart of the country.

The International Chrysotile Day is celebrated on April 16.

Kostanay Minerals JSC is the only producer of chrysotile in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, more than 3,000 types of products are produced from the fibrous mineral-slate, mineral additives for road construction, facade slabs, pipes, brake pads, and more.