KM training center
KM training center
KM training center
The Training Center operates in Kostanaiskiye Mineraly JSC, and complies with the requirenments for development of professional and managerial skills of employees.
The Training Center conducts training in more than one hundred short-term vocational training programs, in the following types of training:
• vocational training (new occupations);
• retraining (related specialties);
• advanced vocational training;
The content of professional programs is determined by the Training Center independently, relying on the requirements of a unified tariff and qualification reference book, technical and vocational classifier of professions and specialties after obtaining secondary education and other regulatory acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Training Center of Kostanaiskiye Mineraly JSC conducts training of specialists on the following:
• short-term vocational training courses;
• personnel certification in accordance with the requirements of industrial safety, labor protection, fire safety;
• advanced training of employees in other educational institutions;
• enrolling higher educational institutions;
• corporate training attracting independent teachers and coaches;
• internal corporate training;
• internship for the students of universities and colleges.
The Training Center is equipped by technical library enumerating more than 10 thd books, and annually replenishing by books and regulatory documents.

The main directions of the library fund:
1. automobile transport;
2. mineral processing;
3. load-lifting mechanisms:
4. open-pit mining of mineral deposits;
5. railroad transport;
6. broadcasting and communication;
7. metallurgy;
8. woodworking industry;
9. heat power supply and etc.
The staff, the students of Zhitikara Polytechnic College and other individuals can refer to the library services.
KM JSC Training Center actively participates in various state programs, such as “Employment Roadmap – 2020”, “Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017-2021”, and conducts short-term vocational staff training of the most popular occupations on the labor market.
In addition, TC fulfills function of induction briefing, which is carried out in accordance with the Rules for training, instructing and testing knowledge on safety and labor protection of workers, approved by the Order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1019, including newly employed workers, students of educational institutions, passing externship in the company, visitors to the industrial zone.
Course content is set forth in an accessible form, illustrated with posters, layouts, models, educational films, specific examples taken from life and experience. Having passed the introductory briefing, a Labor Protection Certificate and Guidelines have been issued. The visitors and the guests could enjoy watching a video that briefly introduces the divisions of the company and personal safety measures when entering the industrial zone.
TC of Kostanaiskiye Mineraly JSC certifies the staff in accordance with the requirements of industrial safety, labor protection, and fire safety.
The staff involved in hazardous production facilities (quarry, warehouse of explosive materials (CM), warehouse of flammable liquids (FL), drying building, boiler room) shall pass 10- and 40-hour training programs relevant to the industry he is employed, as well as assessment of knowledge in the field of industrial safety. The coverage of certification is about 3000 people annually.
Occupational safety and health training correspond to a 40-hour training program agreed with the State Institution “Labor Inspection Department of Akim’s Office of Kostanay Region”. The training is carried out by the experts of the labor protection and industrial safety services, chief specialists, involved State Control and Supervision Body specialists with appropriate qualifications and Certificate of Training Completion and assessment of knowledge on Safety and Labor Protection. The TC conducts training for managers and employees responsible for ensuring safety, who, conduct training according to a unified program and assess knowledge of working staff under their subordination. Nearly five hundred people undergo certification annually.
Fire safety training is carried out in accordance with the “Rules for Training Corporate Staff and Population on Firefighting Measures and Requirements for the Content of Training Programs for Learning Fire Precautions”, approved by the Order No. 276 of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 9, 2014. Training is conducted by invited specialists of the authorized body and aimed at the heads of organizations, officers responsible for complying with firefighting measures and conducting fire safety briefing of production facilities, as well as the workers performing fire hazardous work according to the relevant programs. Nearly three hundred employees pass advanced training annually.
The management of the company draws a lot of attention to the staff development. Annually, about 20 million tenge is allocated for the staff training in independent educational institutions, as well as attracting external teachers and coaches. In order to develop managerial competencies of Chief Executives of different levels, corporate training is carried out by involving highly qualified teachers from business schools.
The primary goal of the staff policy of the company is to ensure quantitative and qualitative composition of the staff. In order to achieve the assigned task in terms of quality of the staff training, “KM” JSC, within the framework of social partnership, ensured feedback with the management of MSOPE “Zhitikara Polytechnic College”.
Cooperation is carried out in the following ways:
• budget-funded seats for KM workers to undergo training according to the field corporate specialties. The total number of students trained is 60;
• involving the employees in the educational process as Commission members in the course of intermediate and final certification of the students;
• conducting various training seminars, Olympiads and round tables.
Another area of College collaboration is training students in field-oriented working professions. Upon the company request, students are simultaneously trained working professions, such as an electric and gas welder, a mechanic for equipment maintenance, an electrical fitter, a lathe operator, an excavator operator and others. It gives students the opportunity to learn the work from inside, and to adapt to the team and company itself. The company shall timely cover the deficit of the workforce. One can find lots of benefits in the dual form of training. We are primarily aimed at opportunity to train the staff for the company’s “request”, saving costs for the search and choosing the staff, its retraining and adaptation. In addition, there is an opportunity to single out the best students.
Training is one of the important activities in the scope of the staff development. Training has continuous nature and is carried out throughout the staff’s working practice in order to consistently expand and broaden knowledge and competencies, and to improve professional skills in accordance with the company development needs.